Monday, April 27, 2020

Naming Ceremony Among The Gas

Ghana is blessed with several cultural  practices that distinguishes her from other countries. Among these practices are festivals, funerals, marriage ceremonies, naming ceremonies among others. Even though all the various ethnic groups perform these rights, there are some slight differences that makes every tribe stands out unique. Naming ceremony which is referred to as Kpodziemo among the Gas is a ceremony held to usser a newly born baby in to the society.
For them as soon as a child is born, the husband and his family are informed so that they may go and congratulate the mother and the baby. The husband then sends gift to all those who assisted at the birth. On the eight day , exactly the day on which the child is born, the child is taken out publicly and presented to families of both mother and father as well as friends. It is normally held at the paternal grandfather’s house where all other families have access to. Here the  child is taken from the mother’s home (where the parents do not live in the same house) usually by a relative and transported to the grandfather’s house where other relatives and friends are seated waiting. On arrival with the child, a person known to be of a good character and reputation is asked to hold the child in his arms , hold it up and bring it down for tree Times on the floor gently, sprinkle water on it three times and after, the father’s family names the child with a family name.The oldest person in the house after the naming, says a prayer for the child and asks God’s blessings for the family.
Tsua, tsua, tsua. Omanye aba.
Tsua, tsua. Omanye aba.
Tsua Omanye aba
Osoro ahatiri, obu ahatiri, wobole kutu wokpe, wojebu wojenu woye wonu ni wokojii ajo wo, gbo ni eba le Etse yin ana wala , Enye yin ana wala, Esee tuu, Ehie faan, Eyin abagbo dzen, wekumei wona faa ni wofale, Ebatsu eha wo ni woye, Eko atashi ni eko aba, Ganyoo bi le koyoo tsua dani ewieo,
Tsua,Tsua, Tsua, Omanye aba!
To this prayers, all the others respond Yao!, which means, may it come to pass. Family and friends then present gifts to the child in the form of money, received by a volunteer who announces the person’s name and the amount given before putting it in a collection bowl. After, food and drinks are served to everyone at the ceremony.

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NAMING CEREMONY AMONG FRAFRAS & AKUAPEMS Naming ceremonies are conducted in Ghana for newborn babies to usher them into the families ...